Список серий мультсериала «Чёрный Плащ»

Список серий мультсериала «Чёрный Плащ»

Список эпизодов

Сезон 1 (1991-1992)

Общий номер Номер в сезоне Название Оригинал Дата премьеры Код
1 1 «Тайное становится явным. Часть 1»  Darkly Dawns the Duck. Part 1 8 сентября, 1991 4308-052
Чёрный Плащ, известный маленький борец с преступным миром, ведёт свою бесконечную борьбу — то затихающую, то разгорающуюся с новой силой. Но когда он нападает на след печально известного авторитета Тараса Бульбы, его ждут большие непредвиденные трудности. Бульба, находящийся в тюрьме, плетёт заговор вокруг грозного изобретения — шомпола профессора Крякенштейна. Но так и не может довести дело до конца — ему не хватает секретного кода для запуска установки. Чёрный Плащ срывает попытку похитить единственного живущего родственника покойного изобретателя шомпола — его внучку, сироту по имени Гусёна. 
2 2 «Тайное становится явным. Часть 2»  Darkly Dawns the Duck. Part 2 8 сентября, 1991 4308-053
Живя под опекой Чёрного Плаща, Гусёна даёт ему подсказку к разгадке секретного кода шомпола. Этот код есть не что иное, как мелодия колыбельной песни, которую обычно пел её дедушка. Но недавно сбежавший из тюрьмы Тарас Бульба заманивает Чёрного Плаща в ловушку, чтобы узнать местонахождение его секретного жилища, и передаёт своего соперника в руки полиции по ложному обвинению. Зигзаг, самый большой почитатель талантов Чёрного Плаща, приходит на выручку нашему герою и становится его закадычным другом. И вот они уже на борту новейшего реактивного самолёта Зигзага — Громокряка, мчатся на базу Тараса Бульбы для окончательного поединка, который заканчивается мощным взрывом. Но всё будет хорошо: немного позднее израненный и перебинтованный селезень (или Чёрный Плащ) приезжает в приют к Гусёне и удочеряет её. 
3 3 «Beauty and the Beet»  John Behnke & Rob Humphrey & Jim Peterson сентябрь 9, 1991 (1991-09-09) 4308-018

Reginald Bushroot, plant scientist, only wants to make the world a better place to live, but his colleagues mock his passion for plants. When he subjects himself to his own experiments, he becomes a half-plant, half-duck, and it's time to get even with his tormentors.

Реджинальд Бушрут учёный-растениевод, хотел создать средство, позволяющий каждому существу "питаться как растение". Но его проект был на грани срыва. Поэтому Бушрут решил испробовать это средство на себе. В результате он превратился в полу-утку полу-растение. Кроме того Бушрут приобрёл способность телепатически управлять растениями. Это и превратило его из доброго учёного в жестокого мстителя, а впоследствии и преступником. 
4 4 «Getting Antsy»  Doug Langdale сентябрь 10, 1991 (1991-09-10) 4308-008
The owner of the local miniature golf course, Lilliput, has invented a helmet that allows him to communicate with ants. He then uses a shrink ray to shrink the buildings and landmarks of St. Canard, using the ants to haul the now-shrunk buildings back to the miniature golf, where they become part of the course. Eventually Lilliput shrinks Darkwing down to an even tinier size. 
5 5 «Night of the Living Spud»  Steve Roberts сентябрь 11, 1991 (1991-09-11) 4308-040
Dr. Bushroot tries to grow a wife for himself, but the result is not the flower that he expected. 
6 6 «Apes of Wrath»  Dev Ross сентябрь 12, 1991 (1991-09-12) 4308-016
S.H.U.S.H. sends Darkwing, Launchpad and Gosalyn to Africa to find the missing Dr. Beatrice Brute, the famous anthropologist. Darkwing discovers that Major Trenchrot is planning to open a vacation villa for villains. 
7 7 «Dirty Money»  John Behnke & Rob Humphrey & Jim Peterson сентябрь 13, 1991 (1991-09-13) 4308-004
Someone is stealing the money in Saint Canard by erasing all ink on the banknotes and leaving them nothing but worthless papers. S.H.U.S.H. Director J. Gander Hooter calls on Darkwing to help solve the mystery but chief Agent Grizzlikof doesn't trust him. Darkwing discovers that the thief is Ammonia Pine, a woman, who used be a maid until some dangerous chemicals caused her to be obsessed with cleaning. 
8 8 «Duck Blind»  Len Uhley сентябрь 16, 1991 (1991-09-16) 4308-017
Darkwing Duck falls afoul of Megavolt and comes out blind. Undaunted, DW tries to keep going using a few inventive gadgets, but Gosalyn, Honker and Launchpad almost get killed because of his arrogance. Gosalyn and the gang plan to nab Megavolt themselves, but get caught by him instead. 
9 9 «Comic Book Capers»  John Behnke & Rob Humphrey & Jim Peterson сентябрь 17, 1991 (1991-09-17) 4308-036
Infuriated at how he's portrayed in his new comic book, Darkwing decides he can write the comic better himself. But he keeps getting interrupted by everyone, who then add their own little bits. Finally, even Megavolt joins in the writing of the story. 
10 10 «Water Way to Go»  Dev Ross сентябрь 18, 1991 (1991-09-18) 4308-001
S.H.U.S.H. has given Darkwing Duck a case to travel to Oilrabia and stop Steelbeak. F.O.W.L.'s top agent is threatening to flood the country with a portable weather machine. The only problem is that Darkwing has agreed to let Launchpad assume the role as hero and be a sidekick himself for this mission. 
11 11 «Paraducks»  Doug Langdale сентябрь 19, 1991 (1991-09-19) 4308-033
Darkwing goes back in time with Gosalyn and he meets himself in grade school when he was known as "Drakey". He then sees a record shop being robbed by a gang of greasers. Due to Darkwing's inaction, Darkwing's present time world gets changed when the duo comes back to the present. Therefore, Darkwing and Gosalyn must again go back to the past to restore it. 
12 12 «Easy Comes, Easy Grows»  Marion Wells сентябрь 20, 1991 (1991-09-20) 4308-024
Darkwing investigates a case in which money is disappearing along with the bank vaults. 
13 13 «A Revolution in Home Appliances»  Gary Sperling сентябрь 23, 1991 (1991-09-23) 4308-050
Megavolt gets zapped with his new invention, which lets him turn regular home appliances into living things. He assembles a group consisting of a salon chair, a refrigerator, a guitar, and a TV. Darkwing Duck has to stop them before they take over St. Canard. 
14 14 «Trading Faces»  Julia Jane Lewald & Dev Ross сентябрь 24, 1991 (1991-09-24) 4308-014
Darkwing's computer goes haywire causing him to trade bodies with Gosalyn as do Launchpad and Honker. Now Gosalyn must pose as Darkwing to stop F.O.W.L.'s latest scheme - stopping the Earth's rotation in an attempt to blackmail the planet. 
15 15 «Hush, Hush Sweet Charlatan»  Bruce Talkington сентябрь 25, 1991 (1991-09-25) 4308-015
Darkwing Duck investigates the production of a movie, which is plagued by accidents and is being directed by none other than Tuskernini, who has abandoned his life of crime for the cinema. 
16 16 «Can't Bayou Love»  Bruce Talkington сентябрь 26, 1991 (1991-09-26) 4308-012
Jambalaya Jake and his Alligator Gumbo, both from the bayou, have moved to the city after hearing it was "easy pickings". By using Launchpad as bait, they try and catch Darkwing. But Darkwing shows them first hand that in the city it is in fact no "easy pickings". Debut of Jumbalaya Jake and Gumbo. 
17 17 «Bearskin Thug»  Tad Stones & Pat Corcoran сентябрь 27, 1991 (1991-09-27) 4308-029
Drake takes Gosalyn on a camping trip in order to teach her about the great outdoors. The national park has been evacuated due to a monstrous bear that has been attacking both campers and wildlife alike. 
18 18 «You Sweat Your Life»  Julia Jane Lewald & Marion Well сентябрь 30, 1991 (1991-09-30) 4308-013
Darkwing goes undercover at a health spa to root out a pair of workers responsible for a museum break in. To his dismay, Herb and Binkie Muddlefoot tag along. The health spa owner, Jock, has discovered the formula for a fountain of youth. The last ingredient he needs is a feather from a true hero: Darkwing Duck. 
19 19 «Days of Blunder»  Jan Strnad октябрь 1, 1991 (1991-10-01) 4308-044
Posing as a psychiatrist Quackerjack convinces Darkwing that being a superhero isn't right for him. With Darkwing out of the picture, the criminal is free to go on a crime spree. 
20 20 «Just Us Justice Ducks (Part 1)»  Kevin Campbell & Brian Swenlin октябрь 2, 1991 (1991-10-02) 4308-047
NegaDuck, Bushroot, Quackerjack, Megavolt, and Liquidator all join together as the Fearsome Five to defeat Darkwing Duck and take over St. Canard. When the other superheroes (Neptunia, Gizmoduck, Morgana, and Stegmutt) hear about this, they band together to form the Justice Ducks. Darkwing, who wants all the credit for the Fearsome Five's defeat, is less than thrilled -- but when he faces the Fearsome Five, he soon finds out the job is more than he can handle. 
21 21 «Just Us Justice Ducks (Part 2)»  Kevin Campbell & Brian Swenlin октябрь 3, 1991 (1991-10-03) 4308-048
The Justice Ducks are each defeated and captured by the Fearsome Five. Darkwing soon becomes their only hope, and the five heroes join in battle against the five villains, with the ultimate victors deciding the fate of the whole city. 
22 22 «Double Darkwings»  Dean Stefan октябрь 4, 1991 (1991-10-04) 4308-019
To get revenge on Darkwing, Jambalaya Jake has Granny Whammy mix him up a hex. He mistakes Launchpad for Darkwing (while he is posing as Darkwing Decoy) a targets him with the curse. Now Jamabalya is using Launchpad as a partner in crime, and Darkwing is getting all the blame for it. Note: there are two versions of this episode, in one Jambalaya Jake lures Darkwing to a tower by having Gumbo bite a power line, in the other Jamablaya Jake lures Darkwing to the power company by causing a black out by pouring hot sauce into a telephone. Otherwise the episodes are identical. 
23 23 «Aduckyphobia»  Doug Langdale октябрь 7, 1991 (1991-10-07) 4308-021
In this parody of Spider-Man, A mutated spider bite causes Darkwing to grow four extra arms. When this creates the hero trouble while trying to catch Moliarty, Darkwing adopts a new super-hero identity - Arachno-Duck. 
24 24 «When Aliens Collide»  Jeremy Cushner октябрь 8, 1991 (1991-10-08) 4308-056
Gosalyn comes upon a space ship that has crashed in the park. A cute alien emerges, wearing a rather restrictive collar which he doesn’t seem to be fond of. It turns out, however, that the extraterrestrial is actually a wanted space criminal and Darkwing has to stop him. 
25 25 «Jurassic Jumble»  Marlowe Wiesman октябрь 10, 1991 (1991-10-10) 4308-031
Honker and Gosalyn track down a set of dinosaur footprints, and are led to the nefarious Dr. Fossil, duck turned dinosaur. With his de-evolution ray and the aid of a passing comet, Fossil plans to end the current life on the planet to give dinosaurs a second chance. 
26 26 «Cleanliness is Next to Badliness»  Steven Hibbert & Gary Sperling октябрь 15, 1991 (1991-10-15) 4308-039
Steelbeak teams up with agent Ammonia Pine to clean out banks for F.O.W.L. Gosalyn starts a Darkwing fan club. 
27 27 «Smarter Than a Speeding Bullet»  Doug Langdale октябрь 17, 1991 (1991-10-17) 4308-045
As Steelbeak is stealing rubber duckies, Darkwing's attempt to stop him is interrupted by Comet Guy, a superhero from another planet who is looking for a hero renowned throughout the galaxy to train him. 
28 28 «All's Fahrenheit in Love and War»  Eric Lewald & Dev Ross октябрь 21, 1991 (1991-10-21) 4308-027
Darkwing becomes fed up with the cold, so he decides to go on a vacation. But before he can, he finds out that banks are being robbed, with no forced entry. 
29 29 «Whiffle While You Work»  Ellen Svaco & Collen Taber октябрь 23, 1991 (1991-10-23) 4308-023
Gosalyn and Darkwing are hyped over a video game competition involving the popular Whiffle Boy. However, a toy maker gone insane, Quackerjack, is out to get revenge on the video game industry that put him out of business. Both Darkwing and Quackerjack end up trapped in Whiffle Boy video game. 
30 30 «Ghoul of My Dreams»  John Behnke & Rob Humphrey & Jim Peterson октябрь 31, 1991 (1991-10-31) 4308-041
Morgana is using sleep sand to rob the citizens of St. Canard while they sleepwalk. When Darkwing steps in to set things right, he ends up in dreamland. Nodoff, controller of dreamland and supplier of Morgana's sleep sand wants the entire city to snooze, and will see to it that no one gets in his way. 
31 31 «Adopt-a-Con»  Steve Roberts ноябрь 7, 1991 (1991-11-07) 4308-046
In this case, Adopt-a-Con means the Adopt A Convict Program. The program has sent Tuskernini to Drake's house. DW is sure that Tusker won't reform, even though he acts as if he has. Posing as Bushroot, he takes Launchpad, Gosalyn, and Drake hostages in order to fish out Darkwing. But Drake's already a hostage himself. 
32 32 «Toys Czar Us»  Ellen Svaco & Colleen Taber ноябрь 11, 1991 (1991-11-11) 4308-043
When Quackerjack learns that parents won't buy his dangerous toys, he decides to create a toy utopia for children, with him as the ruler. Gosalyn gets into trouble at school, causing the principal to suggest Drake take a better look at his parenting. Drake gives up Darkwing to become the perfect parent just as Quackerjack executes his insane plot. 
33 33 «The Secret Origins of Darkwing Duck»  Jan Strnad ноябрь 13, 1991 (1991-11-13) 4308-055
In the future, Gosloid (a futuristic version of Gosalyn) and her friend get trapped in the Darkwing Duck Museum and hear the alleged story of the 'secret origins' of Darkwing Duck. 
34 34 «Up, Up and Awry»  Dev Ross ноябрь 14, 1991 (1991-11-14) 4308-042
Gizmoduck comes to St. Canard in order to help stop Megavolt's latest scheme: stealing horseshoes and cable to build a giant electromagnet. Darkwing is hardly receptive and wallows in self-pity as the super-suited superhero takes the spotlight. 
35 35 «Life, the Negaverse and Everything»  Kevin Campbell & Brian Swenlin ноябрь 18, 1991 (1991-11-18) 4308-049
While pursuing the Fearsome Five (and therefore escaping the Muddlefoots and their boring "Pelican's Island" birthday party for Honker), Darkwing is thrown into a giant cake - which serves as the universal portal between his world and the Negaverse. In the Negaverse, everything is the extreme opposite of his world and Negaduck is supreme ruler, so Darkwing decides to use his new friends (The "Friendly Four") to change things a bit, which Negaduck does NOT like. 
36 36 «Dry Hard»  Kevin Campbell & Brian Swenlin ноябрь 20, 1991 (1991-11-20) 4308-026
Bud Flood, spring water salesman has been poisoning his competitors' drinking water in order to promote his own. Darkwing moves to stop him, but ends up sending him into a vat of poisoned water. Flood survives in a new watery form - "The Liquidator". Now, the Liquidator has turned all of St. Canard's water hard and DW must stop him. 
37 37 «Heavy Mental»  Kevin Campbell & Brian Swenlin ноябрь 21, 1991 (1991-11-21) 4308-020
Launchpad gains psychic powers, but has trouble controlling them. F.O.W.L. agent, Major Synapse, steals S.H.U.S.H.'s Nora Ray, and uses it on his underlings to give them super brain powers. 
38 38 «Disguise the Limit»  Doug Langdale ноябрь 26, 1991 (1991-11-26) 4308-063
Negaduck, disguised, frames Darkwing for a series of crimes. Thanks to S.H.U.S.H. director J. Gander Hooter knowing that Darkwing is innocent (as Darkwing was with him when the crime spree began), he arranges for the hero to use an experimental S.H.U.S.H. design, to go into hiding, which ends up causing him to spontaneously change into whomever he looks at. 
39 39 «Planet of the Capes»  Ellen Svaco & Colleen Taber ноябрь 27, 1991 (1991-11-27) 4308-061
When Comet Guy returns, he tells Darkwing he needs him back on his planet. Darkwing thinks that he's going to have to save the planet, until he finds out that everyone on the planet is a hero, and they need him as their "ordinary guy," since the last one left. They want Darkwing to be their 'damsel in distress,' so that they'll have someone to rescue. But Darkwing gets fed up, so he tries to turn Comet Guy into a villain. 
40 40 «Darkwing Doubloon»  Bruce Reid Schaeffer декабрь 16, 1991 (1991-12-16) 4308-051
Set in the past, this episode recounts the story of Darkwing Doubloon's adventures against the evil pirate Negaduck and his (four-man-strong) crew of villainous miscreants on the high seas. 
41 41 «It's a Wonderful Leaf»  John Behnke & Rob Humphrey & Jim Peterson декабрь 23, 1991 (1991-12-23) 4308-060
A crowd of pushy holiday shoppers rub Bushroot the wrong way. He decides to ruin Christmas by taking control of all of St. Canard's Christmas trees. 
42 42 «Twitching Channels»  John Behnke & Rob Humphrey & Jim Peterson февраль 5, 1992 (1992-02-05) 4308-065
Megavolt's latest device accidentally transports him and Darkwing into a universe of "hideous beakless mutants" (i.e: the real world), where Darkwing Duck is only a cartoon. 
43 43 «Dances with Bigfoot»  Ellen Svaco & Colleen Tabe февраль 6, 1992 (1992-02-06) 4308-069
Drake Mallard disappears and it’s up to the Crimson Quackette to find him. 
44 44 «Twin Beaks»  Tad Stones & Jan Strnad февраль 10, 1992 (1992-02-10) 4308-067
When Honker's parents go missing, all clues point to the mysterious Twin Beaks. A mutated alien race of cabbages have begun their conquest of Earth from this unseemly town. 
45 45 «The Incredible Bulk»  Gary Sperling февраль 12, 1992 (1992-02-12) 4308-062
Bushroot creates a new experimental fertilizer that causes plants to grow large and strong. 
46 46 «My Valentine Ghoul»  Doug Langdale февраль 14, 1992 (1992-02-14) 4308-068
Darkwing’s refusal of Morgana’s suggestion of help, makes her very angry, which Negaduck sees as an opportunity. 
47 47 «Dead Duck»  Carter Crocker февраль 17, 1992 (1992-02-17) 4308-058
Darkwing is killed and Megavolt gets the fame for it. DW won't believe he's dead until the Grim Reaper is after him. 
48 48 «A Duck By Any Other Name»  Pat Corcoran февраль 18, 1992 (1992-02-18) 4308-006
A news program reveals Darkwing Duck's identity as Launchpad. Tuskernini decides to use the revelation to his own advantage, but fails when the real Darkwing Duck gets in the way. 
49 49 «Let's Get Respectable»  Bruce Reid Schaeffer февраль 20, 1992 (1992-02-20) 4308-064
After a television program shows that Darkwing as a poor reputation with the public, Gosalyn decides that Darkwing needs an image change. Meanwhile Negaduck plans to use this as his own advantage. 
50 50 «In Like Blunt»  Kevin Campbell & Brian Swenlin февраль 24, 1992 (1992-02-24) 4308-002
A nefarious criminal from the past returns, to profit by auctioning off a complete list of all of S.H.U.S.H.'s secret agents. J. Gander teams up Darkwing with the legendary Derek Blunt to intercept the documents before they fall into the wrong hands. 
51 51 «Quack of Ages»  Joe Olson февраль 26, 1992 (1992-02-26) 4308-059
To prevent the invention of the yo-yo, Quackerjack travels back to the medieval land of Canardia. Darkwing and Lauchpad follow Quackerjack-and find Herb and Binkie as King and Queen of Canardia! Posing as the king's advisor, the demented toymaker convicts Darkwing as a warlock. 
52 52 «Time and Punishment»  Dev Ross февраль 27, 1992 (1992-02-27) 4308-070
During a battle between Darkwing, Megavolt and Quackerjack, Gosalyn ends up aboard the villains' Time Top, just before it starts up and takes them to the future. There, Gosalyn finds out that Darkwing has become Darkwarrior Duck, who enforces the law with an iron fist. 
53 53 «Stressed to Kill»  Doug Langdale март 3, 1992 (1992-03-03) 4308-066
Darkwing is getting a little bit stressed. So he goes to a stress-free clinic (which is being run by Megavolt and QuackerJack) and they brainwash him. Now he is too calm (not even Gosalyn destroying the house can get him mad!). When Megavolt and QuackerJack start a fire that soon starts to spread, Launchpad and Gosalyn have to try to get DW out of it. But when Megavolt puts out the fire, he also starts a flood. What will they do? 
54 54 «The Darkwing Squad»  Dev Ross май 1992 (1992-05) 4308-071
J. Gander asks DW to train some of S.H.U.S.H.'s agents. That does not go over well with Agent Grizzlicoff, who joins F.O.W.L. as a double agent. Steelbeak sets a trap for the newly titled "Darkwing Squad" while Grizzli faces off against Darkwing. 
55 55 «Inside Binkie's Brain»  Doug Langdale май 1992 (1992-05) 4308-072
When Binkie Muddlefoot gets hit on the head by a bowling ball, her inner "little hero" escapes and causes her to become the Canardian Guardian. Her endless quest for safety endangers the life of Darkwing as he tries once again to capture Megavolt. 
56 56 «The Haunting of Mr. Banana Brain»  Dev Ross май 1992 (1992-05) 4308-073
When Gosalyn gets into mischief, a spirit named Paddywhack is unleashed from a jack-in-the-box and possesses Quackerjack's doll, Mr. Banana Brain. As he causes trouble alongside the demented toymaker, he grows, feeding from the negative emotions around himself. 
57 57 «Slime Okay, You're Okay»  Gordon Bressack май 1992 (1992-05) 4308-074
Bushroot creates a formula, intending to create an intelligent plant friend, and Gosalyn ends up sampling it. Now Darkwing has a limited amount of time to find a cure before Gosalyn, half-slime, half-duck, melts into a pile of goo. 
58 58 «Whirled History»  Doug Langdale май 1992 (1992-05) 4308-077
Forced to work on her boring history assignment, Gosalyn dozes off, and begins sleepwalking. She dreams herself with AstroDuck, a television show character, trying to find "The Fountain Of Knowledge". While she is learning about famous explorers in her dreams, Megavolt uses her as bait to trap and kill Darkwing in the real world. 
59 59 «U.F. Foe»  Dev Ross май 1992 (1992-05) 4308-076
Aliens kidnap Launchpad to make him ruler of the universe. 
60 60 «A Star is Scorned»  Haskell Barkin & Tad Stones май 1992 (1992-05) 4308-081
Darkwing's TV producer feels that Darkwing's TV show needs a new gimmick in the form of a spin-off character, which might really be Darkwing's replacement by Dr. Reginald Bushroot! This scheme is actually a scam by the TV producer to steal money from the show with an overinflated Expense account -- since it's much cheaper to have a plant such as Bushroot as the main star than an actor such as Darkwing! 
61 61 «The Quiverwing Quack»  Dev Ross май 1992 (1992-05) 4308-078
Gosalyn takes up archery, and bests Negaduck with it. Against Darkwing's wishes, she creates her alter-ego -- the Quiverwing Quack -- and causes a stir of publicity. She also becomes Negaduck's new target - so he can regain his position as Public Enemy #1. This episode shows a perfect example of Negaduck's cruelty and hatred at its maximum. 
62 62 «Jail Bird»  Doug Langdale & Michael Maurer май 1992 (1992-05) 4308-080
Negaduck steals a diamond that can steal other people's powers. After he steals the powers from Bushroot, Megavolt, the Liquidator, and Quakerjack, they have to use their weaknesses to stop Mega-Negaduck. 
63 63 «Dirtysomething»  Katie Kuch & Cheryl Scarbrough май 1992 (1992-05) 4308-082
It's Ammonia Pine's worst nightmare! FOWL has teamed her with her polar opposite, her filth-loving sister, Ample Grime. It WOULD be easy for Darkwing Duck to stop them. But Gosalyn, not having enough allowance to buy a video game, has discovered that she can cash in whatever she recycles… including the Thunderquack's engine, the Ratcatcher, a few gas guns, etc. 
64 64 «Kung Fooled»  Victor Cook & George Johnston май 1992 (1992-05) 4308-075
Darkwing chases Moliarty to the city Kung Pow where he meets up with his old martial arts instructor, Master Lee. 
65 65 «Bad Luck Duck»  Michael Maurer май 1992 (1992-05) 4308-079
Darkwing Duck is accused of stealing a tribe's jewel and the leader puts a curse on him. Now they have to get it back from Negaduck and stop him from using it. But where is the leader to get the curse off? This episode also features the infamous Darkwing Club, never to be seen again. 

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Чёрный Плащ — Darkwing Duck …   Википедия

  • Чёрный Плащ (персонаж) — Чёрный Плащ Чёрный Плащ История публикаций Издатель Disney Channel Дебют мультсериал Чёрный Плащ , комикс Возвращение Чёрного Рыцаря Авторы Tad Stones, Ian Brill Характеристики персонажа Вид утка …   Википедия

  • Список эпизодов мультсериала «Люди Икс» — Мультсериал «Люди Икс» (англ. X Men) впервые появился в 1992 году. Содержит 5 сезонов и 76 серий. В России сериал показывали по телеканалам РЕН ТВ, ТВ3, СТС, Fox Kids (теперь Jetix). Серии шли вразнобой, в русских изданиях на DVD серии также …   Википедия

  • Список эпизодов мультсериала «Приключения Джимми Нейтрона» — В данном разделе представлены все эпизоды мультсериала Приключения Джимми Нейтрона. Приключения Джимми Нейтрона: мальчика гения  это американский мультипликационный CGI сериал, созданный по мотивам полнометражного мультфильма 2001 года… …   Википедия

  • Сен-Канар — Название Сен Канар Статус Вымышленный город …   Википедия

  • Darkwing Duck (игра, Capcom) — Darkwing Duck Разработчик Capcom Издатель Capcom Даты выпуска NES …   Википедия

  • Darkwing Duck (игра, TurboGrafx-16) — Darkwing Duck Разработчик Radiance Software Interactive Designs Издатель Turbo Technologies, Inc …   Википедия

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